In an effort to develop closer collaboration with our members, Rare Diseases South Africa (RDSA) is updating membership packages and processes. To reach the RDSA vision of readily accessible care and support for those affected or at risk of rare and congenital disorders, we believe we not only need to unite but to work together as a team.
support group packages
Benefits include:
Website listing on PatientHub;
inclusion on advocacy mailing list;
monthly webinar access offered at membership rate;
access to preferred supplier directory; and,
networking events (at member rate); and,
Criteria for affiliate membership:
New, emerging support groups with growing membership;
Existing support groups in transition with the intention to become more established and to expand membership.
R315 per annum or R77 per month (via debit order).
affiliate support group
offered to smaller patient support groups for a period of two year
​Benefits (valued at R10 000 per year) include:
website listing on PatientHub;
inclusion on advocacy mailing list;
1x user access to monthly webinar;
access to preferred supplier directory;
organisational use of online conferencing facilities including cloud recordings;
1x entry into the Annual Patient Group Huddle event;
one registration to RareX biannual conference including 1x support group exhibit table;
access to premium administrative services (i.e. accounting, PR, design, social media) at heavily discounted rates;
plus 1x nominated representative included on the Patient Voices programme
Criteria for Full membership includes:
Registration with Department of Social Development (valid NPO number);
Have a clear vision, mission and strategy;
Established membership (relative to disease incidence);
Regular, appropriate communication with members, and;
Linkages with key stakeholders.
R1575 per annum
full support group
offered to larger, established patient support groups